

作者: 日期: 2023-06-06


As winter approaches, many of us start getting ready for outdoor activities. However, for those who have monolids or uneven eyelids, the fear of sweating or rubbing the eyes and ruining the makeup can be a significant concern. That is why many people opt for the non-s*gical proced*e known as b*ying thread double eyelids. In this article, I will discuss how this proced*e can give you more freedom to exercise, along with its benefits and risks.

What is B*ying Thread Double Eyelid?

B*ying thread double eyelid is a non-s*gical proced*e that creates a nat*al-looking double eyelid using dissolvable thread. The proced*e involves creating *all incisions along the eyelid crease and inserting the threads to create a fold. This method is suitable for people who have mild to moderate ptosis (drooping eyelid) or monolids (single eyelid).

Benefits of B*ying Thread Double Eyelid:

1. Nat*al-looking results: B*ying thread double eyelid gives a nat*al-looking double eyelid that enhances the eye shape and makes the eyes appear brighter and more prominent.

2. Minimal downtime: Since there are no cuts or incisions made d*ing the proced*e, the recovery period is minimal. Most people can resume their normal activities within a few days.

3. Affordable: Compared to other s*gical proced*es, b*ying thread double eyelid is an affordable option.

4. Minimal risk: The proced*e has a low risk of complications since it does not involve general anesthesia or cuts.

How Does It Help in Exercise?

B*ying thread double eyelid can help in exercise in the following ways:

1. No makeup *udging: With nat*al-looking double eyelids, there is no need for excessive makeup, preventing *udging d*ing exercise.

2. Sweat-proof: The dissolvable threads hold the double eyelids in place, even d*ing rigorous exercise, preventing the eyelids from drooping or folding.

3. Increased confidence: With nat*al-looking double eyelids and minimal makeup, the fear of being judged or feeling self-conscious d*ing exercise decreases, increasing confidence and promoting regular exercise.

Risks and Limitations:

Like all co*etic proced*es, b*ying thread double eyelid involves some risks and limitations:

1. Temporary results: The results of the proced*e are not permanent and last only for six months to one year.

2. Swelling and bruising: Some people may experience swelling and bruising around the eyelids for a few days after the proced*e.

3. Infection: Although rare, there is a slight risk of infection at the incision site.

4. Unsuitable for severe ptosis: B*ying thread double eyelid is only suitable for mild to moderate ptosis or monolids. For severe ptosis, s*gical intervention may be required.


B*ying thread double eyelid is an affordable non-s*gical proced*e that gives nat*al-looking double eyelids with minimal downtime and risk. It can enhance the eye shape, prevent makeup *udging and sweating d*ing exercise, and promote confidence. However, it is crucial to consider its limitations and risks before deciding to undergo the proced*e. If you are interested in the proced*e, consult an experienced specialist to discuss yo* options and expected outcomes.


